SEPTEMBER 13th, 14th, and 15th, 2023
6808 SOUTH 107TH EAST AVE, TULSA, OK 74133
HOST HOTEL RESERVATIONS (PLEASE READ TO END): RENAISSANCE HOTEL (does not include complimentary breakfast)
ROOM RATES ARE $94/NIGHT – SINGLE/DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. PLEASE BE AWARE, there is NO onsite group rooms coordinator! I am asking for your patience; this offsite coordinator manages several properties. If you need assistance, please email [email protected] and I will do my best to resolve any issues that arise. Reservations can be completed by calling the central reservation line at 800.264.0165 or CLICK HERE TO BOOK ONLINE! Please refer to group code: CO1. POs must be faxed directly to the accounting office at 918.307.4033 OR emailed to [email protected] and must include the reservation confirmation number. POs MUST BE RECEIVED BY 8/28/23! If you do not remit your PO by this date your room is not guaranteed. ABSOLUTELY NO POs WILL BE ACCEPTED AT CHECK-IN! All attendees have until 8/22/2023 to make their reservations at the group rate. Once this date has passed OR the block is full, the discounted rate will not be available, and attendees will receive the best available rate at that time. Due to the extremely high cancellation rate in the past each attendee will only be allowed to book two room reservations in their own name. Also, you will be required to provide credit card information during the reservation process. This information may be used by the hotel to charge your credit card in the event you do not attend and do not cancel your rooms one week prior to the conference. You will also be required to provide a credit card at check-in. This is hotel policy and non-negotiable. We do understand that this may be an inconvenience for some of you, unfortunately there is no other alternative. Please be aware that the City of Tulsa has a 3% Improvement District “fee” that will be added to your bill. It is not a tax and cannot be removed.
PHONE: 918.461.2100 FAX: 918.461.2300
Reservation Deadline is August 22nd, 2023
Must cancel 48 hours in advance to avoid credit card charges!
POs MUST BE RECEIVED BY 8/28/23! If you do not remit your PO by this date your room is not guaranteed.
Conference Training Opportunities: Classes will run concurrently so, please attend only one! Register by returning the enclosed form or completing registration online. Training opportunities will be credited for continuing education hours. However, you will be responsible for signing in for the session and submitting the required information to OSU-CTP.
Internal Controls and, the Public Competitive Bidding Act
Cheryl Wilson, SA&I
Employment Risks Created by Supervisors
Nancy Gunter, OSU-CTP
Workers Comp 101 and the FMLA
Dale Frech & Julie McGuffee, ACCO
Animal Cruelty and Fighting Investigations:
Considerations for Oklahoma Enforcement Officers *
Captain David Taylor
*this class is designed for law enforcement professionals but is open to anyone
Contact Melissa Kueter 405.816.7484 or [email protected] with conference questions. Also, don’t forget to bring a door prize!